
Does watching your wife giving birth kills your urge for postpartum intercourse?

Note: A postpartum period (or postnatal period) is the period beginning immediately after the birth of a child and extending for about six weeks. Less frequently used is the termpuerperium.

It is the time after birth, a time in which the mother's body, including hormone levels and uterus size, returns to a non-pregnant state. Lochia is post-partum vaginal discharge, containing blood, mucus, and placental tissue.

Ladies, if you let your partner watch you bring life into the world and your  postpartum sex life isn’t so hot after you brought life into the world then it is your own fault for letting him into the delivery room. 

We must do our part to shield men from having to witness our vaginas do their job of bringing life into the world and only let men see our vaginas as boner-inducing delicate flowers (You know what I mean hihihihi). Because the male mind can’t conceive  of vaginas actually expelling an 8-pound-baby. 
Won’t someone protect the men of the world from this messy, messy, sloppy business of childbirth? Not to mention the utter boner-killing horror of cesarean section!

Postpartum sex may be a tricky road to navigate for both partners, and a lot of times it won’t be easy, and it won’t be pretty. But isn’t that sort of the beauty of it? It’s the trials and tribulations, the quiet and the loud, the ugly, the gorgeous, the profound, the boring, the easy, the complicated, the ultimate messiness of life. Our sex lives are really no different goshhhhh


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