Tuesday, October 8, 2013

How to Get a Kiss from a Girl You Like

  1. Become friends with her. Smile a lot and crack some jokes. Always be nice to her and get to be flirty friends with the girl. Break the touch barrier with her and get closer.

  2. 2
    When you start to think about wanting her to kiss you, look at her lips a lot! Do the joking kissy pucker up face then laugh to show you're joking so she's not too scared.

  3. 3
    Start hinting that you like her a lot. Let it show in your eyes. Smile a lot and in a sexy way. Look her in the eyes and smile. Girls love that.

  4. 4
    Ask her out. Some girls won't want to kiss you unless you are going out already. Say something like "what if we went out?" or "Hey, how would you feel if I asked you out?". I personally love these lines and think they are so cute!

  5. 5
    Find an excuse to bring her to a place where you won't be disturbed. If in school, bring her to the gym during lunch, there's a chance it might be empty.

  6. 6
    Kiss her. Most girls expect guys to make the first move, so they might not kiss you first. Show signs that you want to kiss her. Lean in a little bit, or tilt your head slightly.

  7. 7
    Look for signals from her. See if she wants you to kiss her. Is she looking at your lips? Is she leaning in? Is she staring at you in an odd way, as if she's lost in thought? All of these signs are a green light for you.

  8. 8
    Go for it. If she is showing signs that she wants to kiss you, lean in slowly and tilt your head. If she leans in too, continue, if not, she may be either surprised, or she's not interested. If she pulls away, she's not ready.

  9. 9
    Kiss her. See how to Kiss a Girl for more info. When she pulls away, she's done. You can pull away, too, but not too quickly.

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