Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Does watching your wife giving birth kills your urge for postpartum intercourse?

Does watching your wife giving birth kills your urge for postpartum intercourse?

Note: A postpartum period (or postnatal period) is the period beginning immediately after the birth of a child and extending for about six weeks. Less frequently used is the termpuerperium.

It is the time after birth, a time in which the mother's body, including hormone levels and uterus size, returns to a non-pregnant state. Lochia is post-partum vaginal discharge, containing blood, mucus, and placental tissue.

Ladies, if you let your partner watch you bring life into the world and your  postpartum sex life isn’t so hot after you brought life into the world then it is your own fault for letting him into the delivery room. 

We must do our part to shield men from having to witness our vaginas do their job of bringing life into the world and only let men see our vaginas as boner-inducing delicate flowers (You know what I mean hihihihi). Because the male mind can’t conceive  of vaginas actually expelling an 8-pound-baby. 
Won’t someone protect the men of the world from this messy, messy, sloppy business of childbirth? Not to mention the utter boner-killing horror of cesarean section!

Postpartum sex may be a tricky road to navigate for both partners, and a lot of times it won’t be easy, and it won’t be pretty. But isn’t that sort of the beauty of it? It’s the trials and tribulations, the quiet and the loud, the ugly, the gorgeous, the profound, the boring, the easy, the complicated, the ultimate messiness of life. Our sex lives are really no different goshhhhh


Thursday, October 17, 2013

The Ten Things Women Do That Drive Men Away

Some women, without even knowing it, are driving the men who love them right out of their lives. 
For the most part, women aren't getting information about men straight from the source. They're asking other women, listening to so-called relationship experts, and believing statistics.

Nothing is as accurate as asking men what they think and feel. 


"I don't know why women act so sweet during dating and change completely when they know they've got you." --Alvin, computer technician

Of course, men can't expect women to be superwomen who are able to work, cook, clean, and make love with flawless precision. But a woman shouldn't start out playing the superwoman role at the beginning and then change. 
It's better to present herself as she is and get it all out in the open. When a woman changes her entire act after the relationship gets going, men feel as though they've been duped. Suddenly, he doesn't know what to believe anymore and feels he can't really trust the woman he thought he knew.


"She clings to me because she thinks that every minute I'm not with her I'm fooling around." --Lewis, personal fitness trainer

The "S" word must be used carefully. Some men intentionally abuse the term "I need my space" to ensure that they can have their cake and eat it too--fool around while not giving up what they already have. But not all men are that way.
Most men simply just want some room to be by themselves. Men, just like women, need to feel that they aren't trapped or being held hostage in their lives. From time to time, men want to get away and be alone or hang out with their friends.

But it's a strain on the relationship when women think that a man is being selfish, silly, or making up an excuse to go out and cheat just because he wants some space. The smart woman knows that a man needs his space and doesn't hold it against him. She's confident enough to know that each person needs his/her own space to maintain a healthy relationship.


"I'm just a working man. I can't afford a two-story house in the suburbs, a Lexus, a Range Rover, a bunch of credit cards, and kids too." --Jesse, mail courier

Some black men say black women are unrealistic in their expectations and want too much. Of course, wanting a good hardworking man who respects women isn't asking too much. But what about when it goes far beyond that? For some women, having a good man just isn't enough. They also want a Lexus, a two-story home in the suburbs, and a string of credit cards. 
When they don't have these things, they moan and complain as though life is terrible. If the man dares to say something about how he's happy with things as they are, he'll be accused of being complacent, lazy, and lacking ambition. It's fine to have goals and want some luxuries. But counting the blessings you already have never hurts either.


"Women expect you to read their minds like a psychic." --Jamal, college student

Men aren't very good mind readers. In fact, we often have difficulty just figuring out what women mean with the words they speak. I think women are far more sophisticated communicators than men; they seem to be more adept at the subtleties of gestures, facial expressions, and body language. Therefore, men and women almost always suffer from communication breakdowns in relationships.
Unfortunately, some women do not express themselves honestly and openly. It seems that they are more apt to use voice inflections and body language to communicate what they mean, even when the actual words they are saying convey the opposite. Take this situation, for example: "No, I don't mind if you go out with your friends instead of taking me to a movie tonight," a woman says, tapping her foot and looking away with her arms folded. Although her mouth is saying quite literally, "No, I don't mind," her body is saying she does mind. Women expect the men in their lives to read their nonverbal cues.


"I'm going to be straight about it: sex is important to me." --Gene, entrepreneur

Perhaps it would be nice if sex didn't play such a major role in relationships. But for most people, sex is a big part of a relationship. And for men, it's probably more important than it should be. The sexual aggravations of men boil down to the three B's: bad, boring, and the boudoir battle.

Bad sex.
Sex is a learned skill. It's similar to driving a car. Basically, anyone can do it. Some are good at it. And others are experts. But everyone has an idea of what they consider good and bad sex. Common complaints among men are: lack of enthusiasm, lack of rhythm, no creativity, and poor technique. If a person in a relationship is dissatisfied or experiencing sexual dysfunction, it's something that should be openly and honestly discussed. The reasons for sexual dysfunction can be psychological, physiological, ethical, and religious, or a host of other things. If the problems seem insurmountable, the advice of a pastor or therapist may be necessary.

Boring sex
Boring sex is always doing it in the same place, at the same time, and in the same old position. It's when the sex gets to the point that it feels like more of a duty than a desire. Boring sex is when you're going through all the motions but there's no spice or passion involved.

Boudoir battle
Using sex as a weapon doesn't do anything but make a man angry. It can be subtle things such as not being open to touching and cuddling. Or it can be more strategic. It can be the refusal to do certain things in bed. The most brutal form of bedroom battle is outright refusal. Boudoir battle can lead to deep resentment and some men will use it as an excuse to cheat on their wives or girlfriends.


"She's always talking about this guy at her job and it really pisses me off." --Shawn, corporate executive

Men don't like to hear women constantly talking about other men. It's not necessarily an ego thing. It's just that each man wants to feel special and important to the woman in his life. that is just it. Don't.


"She sends calls back all day when I'm at work. Then when I call her back, she just starts whining about some little thing that could've waited until later." --Art, sanitation worker

Drama queens are always whining, pestering, or nagging about something. With them, nothing can ever be right. They pull all kinds of little tricks to get and control a man's attention. If he's watching television, she wants him to get up and put out the trash. When he has time off from work, she tries to plan each hour for him.


"I work the graveyard shift so I don't have to be at home with my wife." --Derek, police officer

That response was from a man who had been married less than one year and was already engaged in a cold war with his wife. Most of the time she was openly disrespectful to him as a human being, not just as a man. Other times she was cold and aloof, barely acknowledging that he was in the room. Believe it or not, men have feelings too. Hard and cold behavior is enough to drive anyone away. 


"They call us dogs, but women are out there fooling around just as much." --Barry, auto mechanic

Some women will maintain that when a woman is cheating it's always the fault of a man. That simply isn't true. Women are human beings and are therefore just as subject to dishonesty and deceit as any man.
Cheating takes two forms. First, there's the obvious form, which is having affairs. But the second way of cheating is mental. It's the subtle art of getting over on him. She may not be fooling around with another man but she may be cheating by fooling around with the checkbook balance. Her body may be faithful, but she may be cheating by playing manipulative games to keep him within her control. Such games rob a man of his energy and creativity and prevent him from realizing his full potential. The truth is that cheating doesn't have to be just about affairs or lovers. Cheating is deception of any kind.


"I can't stand it when a woman always wants to prove to me that she's smart, tough, and independent." --Lawrence, attorney

It really irritates men when women they're involved with are constantly trying to upstage them. This is especially bothersome for those men who aren't trying to compete with their mates. This behavior takes many forms. Some women who engage in power struggles with their mates do it through career competition: who can make the most money or get the most prestige? For some the competition is based upon education level: who has the most advanced degree from the most prestigious school? 
Another form of engaging in a power struggle is competing in disagreements: who gets the last word in? In addition to those power struggles.

I know this list is going to make the tempers of some women flare. But remember, this isn't a list of complaints. It's information intended to give women insight into what men are thinking; it's a bridge across the communication gap. 

Source: William July II
Excerpt from his book Brothers, Lust & Love: Thoughts on Manhood, Sex and Romance
Copyright © 1998 by Will July II

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Open talks

“Our innate tendency is to egotistically save ourselves, because we are born self centered. “
Joseph Rebelo, editor Worldwide magazine

How about created at the image of God? If we are born self centered, what does that say about our prime nature? Our basic instinct is self-preservation so…

Words of Wisdom

In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist.

Dwight D. Eisenhower, 34th President of the USA

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

How to Get a Kiss from a Girl You Like

  1. Become friends with her. Smile a lot and crack some jokes. Always be nice to her and get to be flirty friends with the girl. Break the touch barrier with her and get closer.

  2. 2
    When you start to think about wanting her to kiss you, look at her lips a lot! Do the joking kissy pucker up face then laugh to show you're joking so she's not too scared.

  3. 3
    Start hinting that you like her a lot. Let it show in your eyes. Smile a lot and in a sexy way. Look her in the eyes and smile. Girls love that.

  4. 4
    Ask her out. Some girls won't want to kiss you unless you are going out already. Say something like "what if we went out?" or "Hey, how would you feel if I asked you out?". I personally love these lines and think they are so cute!

  5. 5
    Find an excuse to bring her to a place where you won't be disturbed. If in school, bring her to the gym during lunch, there's a chance it might be empty.

  6. 6
    Kiss her. Most girls expect guys to make the first move, so they might not kiss you first. Show signs that you want to kiss her. Lean in a little bit, or tilt your head slightly.

  7. 7
    Look for signals from her. See if she wants you to kiss her. Is she looking at your lips? Is she leaning in? Is she staring at you in an odd way, as if she's lost in thought? All of these signs are a green light for you.

  8. 8
    Go for it. If she is showing signs that she wants to kiss you, lean in slowly and tilt your head. If she leans in too, continue, if not, she may be either surprised, or she's not interested. If she pulls away, she's not ready.

  9. 9
    Kiss her. See how to Kiss a Girl for more info. When she pulls away, she's done. You can pull away, too, but not too quickly.

Natural Cures for Migraines

Natural Cures for Migraines

For most people who experience an occasional headache, a couple of aspirin will usually do the trick. Migraine sufferers don't have it so easy. Not only do many migraine meds have side effects that range from nausea and stomach ulcers to an increased risk of stroke and even heart attack, but up to two-thirds of users have also reported that they don't deliver satisfactory results.

Here below are a few things you can do

1. Exercise

Exercise has long been recommended to migraine sufferers, and now there's new evidence to support the theory that physical activity appears to help prevent migraines. In a 2011 randomized, controlled study from the University of Gothenburg in Sweden, researchers found that aerobic exercise was as effective at preventing migraines as the preventive migraine medication topiramate (brand name Topamax). A third of the patients in the three-month study exercised on a stationary bike three times per week for 40 minutes, while another third took a topiramate regimen that was gradually increased to the highest tolerable dose (a maximum of 200 milligrams per day).
How it helps: Regular, gentle exercise helps to reduce tension and ward off stress, a well-known trigger for many migraine sufferers. Exercise also triggers the release of endorphins, which act as a mild sedative.
How much helps: The Department of Health and Human Services recommends 150 minutes of moderate aerobic activity or 75 minutes of vigorous aerobic activity per week, ideally spread out over the course of the week. Beware that intense exercise can actually trigger rather than prevent migraine, so don't overdo it.

2. Riboflavin (vitamin B2)

Riboflavin, also known as vitamin B2, is found in certain foods and supplements. It helps protect cells from oxidative damage and is involved in energy production. In a trial measuring the effectiveness of riboflavin in preventing migraines, 59 percent of patients who took 400 mg of riboflavin daily for three months experienced a 50 percent or greater reduction in migraine occurrence.
How it helps: Riboflavin is an effective preventive treatment for migraines. It has been widely reported to significantly reduce the incidence of migraine headaches when consumed at high levels (400 mg per day), although it doesn't seem to help reduce the pain or length of a migraine once one occurs.
How much helps: The recommendation is 400 mg per day for three months. Researchers recommend taking riboflavin with a B-complex supplement, since riboflavin increases the absorption of other essential nutrients, including iron, zinc, folate, vitamin B3, and vitamin B12. In addition, vitamin B1 can help increase levels of riboflavin.
Best food sources: Liver, lean beef, lamb, venison, whole grains, tempeh, yogurt, low-fat milk, eggs, almonds, crimini mushrooms, asparagus, Brussels sprouts, broccoli, and spinach. Store food away from light, which destroys riboflavin.

3. Magnesium

Because our bodies can't make magnesium, we must rely on dietary and/or supplement sources to get it -- and magnesium deficiency been directly linked to migraines in a number of major studies. Some estimates say that as many as three out of four adults in the U.S. may be deficient in magnesium.
How it helps: Magnesium helps relax nerves and muscles and transmits nerve impulses throughout the body and brain. In addition, magnesium helps prevent nerves from becoming overexcited. In short, this mineral aids in the prevention and reduction of migraines.
How much helps: Experts are split on how much magnesium to take for migraine prevention; some recommend 200 to 600 mg per day, while others recommend as much as 1,000 mg daily. Talk to your doctor to find a regimen that works best for you. If you take magnesium supplements, use chelated forms (such as magnesium citrate or magnesium oxide). This means that the magnesium is connected with another molecule in order to aid its absorption.
Best food sources: Pumpkin seeds, spinach, Swiss chard, wild Alaskan salmon, halibut, sunflower seeds, sesame seeds, flaxseeds, amaranth, quinoa, soybeans, and black beans.

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Nelson Mandela's first TV interview in 1961 by ITN reporter Brian Widlake

Click here to view

The Habits of the World's Smartest People (Infographic)

The Habits of the World's Smartest People (Infographic)

There is no one picture of intelligence, but many people with high IQs do tend to share some of the same habits -- both good and bad. For example, according to research complied by, while those with high IQs tend to set goals and read avidly, they are also more likely to drink more heavily and suffer from anxiety.
For more on the habits of smart people, including a look at the IQs of icons such as Albert Einstein and Bill Gates, check out the infographic below.

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The Habits of the World's Smartest People (Infographic)

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